Clarifications and Updates from regarding tradewithstan

Post published on 6th May 2024 at 1:06 PM by

1. Tradewithstan is a platform I’ve created for long term trades, aka something that we usually hold for months. This is not a day trade nor swing trade account (we don’t buy a stock and sell it within the day or within the week or so) This is also not an account to buy VOO.

2. Tradewithstan trades will not be what is posted publicly on telegram or Instagram but rather, another set of stocks based on a very different set of entry rules, usually stocks that have higher market cap and “value play” and also stocks that have lower volatility to prevent huge fluctuations short term. Aka u won’t see me entering COIN or SMCI for tradewithstan cos the latter are just too volatile by nature.

3. Tradewithstan is a long term portfolio, so pls manage expectations, DO NOT expect to make 7-10% every month, but rather this platform aims to help beat typical assets returns out there. I would estimate a return of 10-20% per year, which to me is already very high and superbly reasonable compared to other finance assets out there like fixed deposit (3-4% p.a) or bonds (3-6% p.a) or even property rental yield (2-5% p.a) or whatever (pls go to any bank and ask if they have any thing that u can put ur money in and make 10-15% a year) that’s what tradewithstan aims to do.

So if u are hoping to turn your $50k into $300k or $400k within a year, this is definitely not the right platform. I don’t have the ability to do that unfortunately. But if u have a spare $50k sitting in cash or in a bank and don’t know what to do with it, scared to enter the market, but wants to beat inflation and invest abit, and happy to make 10-20% a year (disclaimer: non guaranteed) as a conservative gauge, this is a place for you and I totally welcome you. This platform is more suited for people who don’t have the time and knowledge to enter the stock market, if u are already consistent and making decent profits month on month on your own, u definitely don’t need this.

4. Lastly, I would suggest that u treat this as something long term (aka u don’t need to login to your account everyday or every hour to see how are things or whatnot cos that’s quite pointless) Perhaps, glancing at it once a month or once every 3 month would make life easier for all. Same logic as when u invest in a property, do u go get a valuation on your house every month? U probably don’t. U don’t even care about it, that’s the mindset u should have. Easier for all of us.